Friday, October 2, 2020

Caturanga Dandasana ( Four limb stick posture )

Caturanga Dandasana:


1. Stand in Samastithi
2. Inhale and lift your arms from the front.
3. As you exhale bend down, keep your palms on the side of your feet and knees straight.
4. Transfer your weight into your hands. Hold your breath and throw back both your legs back, only palms and toes should be on the ground.
5. Inhale and arch your back and look straight. Make sure your elbows are straight. Knees and abdomen up ( shouldn't touch the floor ) Only palms and toes should be on the floor.
6. Exhale and lift your hips and look down at your feet.

Coming out of Asana:

Inhale and arch your back to Urdhva mukha svanasana.
Exhale and lift your hips to Adho mukha svanasana.
Hold and jump forward, legs should be between your palms.
Inhale and raise up.
Exhale and bring your hands down to Samastithi.


     -  Back arch
     -  Symmetrical
     -  Standing
     -  Dynamic / Stay
     -  Samastithi


     -  Wrist
     -  Arms
     -  Abdomen
     -  Lower back


     -  Keeping the knees down 

     -  Building and toning of Abdominal muscles.
     -  Strengthens the arms, shoulders and leg muscles.
     -  Strengthens the Upper and Lower back.


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