Saturday, September 26, 2020

Uttita Parsva Konasana [ Parsva Bheda ] Extended Side Angle Pose [ Lateral ]

 Uttita Parsva Konasana [ Parsva Bheda ] 


1. Stand in Samastithi.
2.  From Samastithi, take a wide step. Turn your left foot slightly turned out.
3. Inhale and lift your hands by the sides.
4. Exhale and bend laterally and keep your palms outside the left foot (aligned) and raise the right    hand up (stretch) and look at the raised palm.
 5. Inhale, bend your right hand at the shoulder, 
 so that your biceps touch your ears.

Coming out of Asana: 

Exhale and raise your hands back again. Inhale and come back to the standing position. Exhale drop your hands down and feet together.

Repeat on the other side.


     -  Lateral
     -  Standing
     -  Dynamic / Stay
     -  Asymmetrical


     -  Abdomen
     -  Hips
     -  Spine
     -  Knees



     -  If you can't keep your hands down by your foot, you can place your elbows on your thighs.


     -  If you are flexible enough, you bring the respective hand underneath the thighs, bring the other hand behind the back, lock the fingers and look up.



       -  adequate stretch for the toes, ankles, knees, calves, hips and entire leg region.
       -  improves digestion
       -  abdominal organs are stimulated
       -  stamina is increased

Friday, September 25, 2020

UpaVistaKonasana ( Wide-angle Seated Forward Bend )



1. Sit in the floor with legs stretched straight in front.
2. Move the legs sideways one by one and widen the distance between them as far as you can. Keep the legs extended throughout and see that back of the entire legs rests on the floor.
3. Inhale, raise your hands up. Exhale bend forward and catch the big toes between the respective thumbs and index and middle fingers.
4. Keep the spine erect and extend the ribs. Pull the diaphragm up and hold the pose for a few seconds with deep breaths.
5. Exhale, bend forward and rest the head on the floor. Then extend the neck and place the chin on the floor.
6. Then clasp the feet the hands and try to rest the chest on the floor. Stay in this position.

Coming out of Asana:

Inhale, raise the trunk off the floor and release the hold and the feet, bring them together and relax.


      -  Forward Bend
      -  Symmetrical
      -  Standing
      -  Dynamic / Static


      -  Abdomen
      -  Hamstrings
      -  Groin

      -  If you can't catch hold of the toes, hold your ankles or knees.
      -  Bend forward as much as you can.

      -  Stretches the hamstrings and Groin
      -  Helps the blood to circulate properly in the pelvic region.
      -  It improves flexibility in legs, shoulders, hands, neck, arms and spine.
      -  Stimulates and tone your abdominal organs and improves digestion


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Genral FAQ

General Questions and Answers:

1. Can I practice or learn Yoga through this blog spot or in general any websites?    
     NO Yoga have to be learnt from a proper teacher and have to be done under teacher guidance. This blog is for reference for who regularly practice Yoga.

2. The benefits listed for each asana will really work?
     The benefits listed for each asana will work if done classically that is without any modifications.
The benefits will change for each Modification and Variation that we do.

3. What if I can't do the postures classically?
     Postures can be modified according to once body limits.  A certified teacher knows how to modify an asana for each individual needs.

4.  What is Yoga Therapy?
      Using Asana, Pranayama and Meditation for treating any specific ailments is Yoga Therapy. 
Generally Therapy is done one-on-one and its modified according to one's needs. 

5. Yoga Therapy Vs Physical Therapy?
    The participant will be treated in all ( Physical, Mental & Spiritual) levels not just physically like Physical therapy.