Friday, January 13, 2017

About Myself

I am RevathyPriya motivated Certified Yoga Teacher / Instructor with advanced training in yoga and also specializes in therapeutic yoga.

*   Completed  Diploma in Yoga Teacher training program
(400hrs) from Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM).

*   Also finished Advanced teacher training program (200 hrs)
from Vineoyoga Centre.

*   Completed Heartsaver First Aid  CPR AED Program

*   Masters in Yoga Therapy ( SVYASA University )

*   8 years of Experience in teaching  Yoga for various age groups
 ( Kids, Teens, Ladies, Men's and Elderly ).

*   Course plans includes Asanas (for the body fitness and flexibility), Pranayama  (breathing techniques to regularize and to control the breathing), Meditation (to relax and calm the mind).

*   Course plans are theme-based and focus oriented. Focus can be an Asana / Parts of the body / an Organ.