Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Trikonasana ( Triangle Pose) Lateral



1. Stand in Samastithi. Take a big step sideways parallel to each other.
2. Inhale lift your hands sideways to shoulder level and palms facing down.
3. Exhale and bend down laterally. Keep your palms parallel to the feet and look up at the raised arm.

Coming out of Asana:

Inhale and drop your neck and come all the way up.
Exhale and drop your hands down. Now repeat on the other side.


     -  Lateral
     -  Asymmetrical
     -  Standing
     -  Dynamic / Static


      -  Hips
      -  Spine
      -  Neck
      -  Hamstring


      -  Knees can be bent if hamstrings are tight.
      -  Palms can be kept on Ankles / Thighs / Knees if you can't reach the floor.


      -  Works on Hamstring.
      -  Hip mobility
      -  Neck mobility
      -  Ankle flexibility
      -  Chest Opening
      -  Spine Stretch

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