Parsva Uttanasana
1. Stand in Samasthithi. from here take a left foot forward and the right leg slightly turned out.
2. As you Inhale raise your hands from the front and the palms facing front.
3. Exhale and bent forward from your hips and keep your palms on either sides of your leg. Knees should be straight.
Make sure the weight is equally distributed between your left and right leg.
Coming out of Asana:
Inhale and come all the way up and on exhalling
slowly drop your arms down. come back to
Samastithi and do it on the other side.
- Forward Bend
- Asymmetrical
- Standing
- Dynamic (Repeat) / Static (Stay)
- Abdomen
- Hip Flexibility
- Hamstrings
- Spine Stretch
1. If Hamstring are tight or if the focus is the abdomen knees can be bent.
2. If your focus and you are working on your hamstring then knees should be straight.
3. Repitition gives you a good hip mobility.
1. Stand in Samasthithi. from here take a left foot forward and the right leg slightly turned out.
2. As you Inhale raise your hands from the front and the palms facing front.
3. Exhale and bent forward from your hips and keep your palms on either sides of your leg. Knees should be straight.
Make sure the weight is equally distributed between your left and right leg.

Inhale and come all the way up and on exhalling
slowly drop your arms down. come back to
Samastithi and do it on the other side.
- Forward Bend
- Asymmetrical
- Standing
- Dynamic (Repeat) / Static (Stay)
- Abdomen
- Hip Flexibility
- Hamstrings
- Spine Stretch
1. If Hamstring are tight or if the focus is the abdomen knees can be bent.
2. If your focus and you are working on your hamstring then knees should be straight.
3. Repitition gives you a good hip mobility.
- Works on abdomen
- Stretching the Hamstrings.
- Hip mobility.
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