Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Catuspada Pitham ( Four feet throne )

Catuspada Pitham:


1.  Sit in Dandasana.
2.  Exhale bend your knees and keep them comfortably, soles of the feet on the floor, knees together, place palms slightly behind your body, fingers facing towards you, fingers together, lean comfortably on your palms.
3. Inhale, lift your hips up, arch your back and drop your head back, feet together, elbows straight, knees together, body straight, soles of the feet on the floor.

Coming out of Asana:

Exhale, lower down your hips, knees bent. Inhale straighten your legs, knees together, feet together, bring arms by the side of the body.


     -  Back Arch
     -  Symmetrical
     -  Seated
     -  Dynamic / Static


     -  Arms / Wrist / Shoulders
     -  Chest
     -  Legs


     -  Raise as much as you can
     -  Legs apart
     -  Knees apart
     -  Fingers facing backwards


     -  Strengthen the Arms, Wrist, Shoulders
     -  Stretches the whole upper body
     -  Increases flexibility
     -  Strengthens Thighs and Core.

Purvatanasana ( Upward Plank Posture )



1.  Sit in Dandasana, legs stretched out in front, feet together, Spine straight, arms by the side of the body and palms on the floor. Shoulders relaxed, chin down, eyes closed.
2.  Exhale, place your palms slightly behind your body, fingers pointing towards you, fingers together, legs straight, feet together, knees together.
3.  Inhale, lift your hips up fully, drop your head back, soles of the feet should be on the floor, feet together.

Coming out of Asana:

Exhale, gently lower your hip to the floor, head looking straight, legs stretched out, feet together, knees together. Inhale and release palms from behind the body and come back to the seated posture.


     - Back Arch
     - Symmetrical
     -  Seated
     -  Dynamic / Static


     -  Arms, Wrist
     -  Legs, Calf muscles
     -  Shoulders
     -  Chest
     -  Back muscles


     -  Lift as much as you can
     -  Place heels instead of Soles


     -  Strengthen the Arms, Wrist and Legs
     -  Stretches the Shoulders and Chest
     -  Stretches the Calf muscles and Ankles
     -  Stretches the Hamstrings

Friday, May 12, 2017

Supta Padagushtasana (Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose)

Supta Padagushtasana :


1.  Lie in Samastithi ( Supine )
2.  Inhale and lift your arms above your head.
3. Exhale, bring arms and legs up simultaneously and catch the big toes with thumb, index and middle finger. Legs should be straight , knees should not be bend. Hips should be on the floor.

Coming out of Asana:

Inhale lift your arms above your head and drop your legs down simultaneously. Exhale and bring your arms by your side.


     -  Forward Bend
     -  Symmetrical
     -  Lying / Supine
     -  Repeat / Stay


     -  Abdomen
     -  Lower Back
     -  Calf muscles
     -  Hamstrings
     -  Thighs


    -  With support ( Strap or Towel )


     -  Stretches Hamstrings, Calves and Thighs.
     -  Stronger Knees
     -  Digestion is improved
     -  Tones your abdomen muscles

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Apanasana ( Lower abdomen Posture ) Knee to Chest Pose



1.  Lie down on your back. Bend your knees, lift both the feet off the floor, palms on your knees.
Elbows should be straight, shoulders should be relaxed. Inhale in this Position.
2.  As you exhale, bend your knees closer to your chest ( arms should not pull the knees ) Elbows bent and hips still on the floor.

Coming out of  Asana:

Inhale move knees away from the chest. Then stretch your legs and hands by your side.


      -  Forward Bend
      -  Symmetrical
      -  Lying / Supine
      -  Repeat / Stay


     -  Abdomen
     -  Lower Back

     -  Improves digestion
     -  Relieves back pain
     -  Reduces bloating
     -  Relieves constipation
     -  Best pose to relieve gas


Monday, May 8, 2017

Dvipada Pitham ( Two leg Throne / Stool )

Dvipada Pitham:


1.  Lie down in Samastithi ( Supine )
Back straight, arms on the floor and closer to your body. Look up, Chin down and close your eyes.
2. Exhale, bend your knees. Hands should clasp your ankles and knees closer to your body.
3. Inhale, raise your hips. Make sure your knees shouldn't open up.

Coming out of Asana:
Exhale, Gently bring the hips  down back to the floor. Inhale and stretch your legs back  to Supine / Lying position.


     -  Back Arch
     -  Symmetrical
     -  Lying / Supine
     -  Repeat / Stay


     -  Lower Back
     -  Chest
     -  Neck / Spine


     -  Feet apart
     -  Raise up as much as you can
     -  Hands by your sides

     -  Opens Chest, Neck, Spine
     -  Calms the Brain
     -  Stimulates abdominal organs,
 lungs and thyroid glands.
     -  Improves digestion


Urdhva Prasrita Padasana ( Upward extended feet Posture )

Urdhva Prasrita Padasana:


1. Lie down on your back ( Supine )
Feet together, eyes closed, chin down, palms on your side.
2. Inhale and lift your arms above your head.
3. As you exhale, lift your legs ( 90 degrees )  and bring down your hand to the floor simultaneously. Spine still should be on the floor.

Coming out of Asana:

Inhale, lift your arms up and lower your legs down to the floor. Exhale and bring down your arms down by your side.


     -  Forward Bend
     -  Symmetrical
     -  Lying / Supine
     -  Dynamic / Static


     -  Lower Back
     -  Abdomen

     -  Against the wall
     -  With support ( Strap or a towel )


     -  Strengthens the lower back muscles
     -  Tones your abdomen muscles
     -  Improves your posture