Urdhva Prasrita Padasana:
1. Lie down on your back ( Supine )
Feet together, eyes closed, chin down, palms on your side.
2. Inhale and lift your arms above your head.
3. As you exhale, lift your legs ( 90 degrees ) and bring down your hand to the floor simultaneously. Spine still should be on the floor.
Coming out of Asana:
Inhale, lift your arms up and lower your legs down to the floor. Exhale and bring down your arms down by your side.
- Forward Bend
- Symmetrical
- Lying / Supine
- Dynamic / Static
- Lower Back
- Abdomen
- Against the wall
- With support ( Strap or a towel )
- Strengthens the lower back muscles
- Tones your abdomen muscles
- Improves your posture
1. Lie down on your back ( Supine )
Feet together, eyes closed, chin down, palms on your side.
2. Inhale and lift your arms above your head.
3. As you exhale, lift your legs ( 90 degrees ) and bring down your hand to the floor simultaneously. Spine still should be on the floor.
Coming out of Asana:
Inhale, lift your arms up and lower your legs down to the floor. Exhale and bring down your arms down by your side.

- Symmetrical
- Lying / Supine
- Dynamic / Static
- Lower Back
- Abdomen
- Against the wall
- With support ( Strap or a towel )
- Strengthens the lower back muscles
- Tones your abdomen muscles
- Improves your posture
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