Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Catuspada Pitham ( Four feet throne )

Catuspada Pitham:


1.  Sit in Dandasana.
2.  Exhale bend your knees and keep them comfortably, soles of the feet on the floor, knees together, place palms slightly behind your body, fingers facing towards you, fingers together, lean comfortably on your palms.
3. Inhale, lift your hips up, arch your back and drop your head back, feet together, elbows straight, knees together, body straight, soles of the feet on the floor.

Coming out of Asana:

Exhale, lower down your hips, knees bent. Inhale straighten your legs, knees together, feet together, bring arms by the side of the body.


     -  Back Arch
     -  Symmetrical
     -  Seated
     -  Dynamic / Static


     -  Arms / Wrist / Shoulders
     -  Chest
     -  Legs


     -  Raise as much as you can
     -  Legs apart
     -  Knees apart
     -  Fingers facing backwards


     -  Strengthen the Arms, Wrist, Shoulders
     -  Stretches the whole upper body
     -  Increases flexibility
     -  Strengthens Thighs and Core.

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