Monday, January 22, 2018

Supta Padagustasana (Eka Pada) [Reclining Hand to Big Toe (One Leg) Pose]

Supta Padagustasana ( Eka Pada )


1. Lie down in Samastithi.
2. Inhale, lift your hands above your head, palms facing up.
3. Exhale, lift your (left) leg up, simultaneously lift your hands, catch up the big toes with thumb,index and middle finger with the left hand. Bring the right hand closer to your body. Hips should be on the floor.

Coming Out of Asana:

Inhale drop your legs down and both the hands above your head simultaneously. Exhale bring your hands closer to your body.

Repeat on the other side.


     -  Forward Bend
     -  Asymmetrical
     -  Lying / Supine
     -  Stay


     -  Abdomen
     -  Lower Back
     -  Calf muscles
     -  Hamstrings
     -  Thighs


    -  With support ( Strap or Towel )


     -  Stretches Hamstrings, Calves and Thighs.
     -  Stronger Knees
     -  Tones your abdomen muscles

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