Monday, January 22, 2018

Supta Prasarita Padangustasana ( Reclining spread legged hand to big toe pose )

Supta Prasarita Padagustasana:


1.  Lie in Samastithi ( Supine )
2.  Inhale and lift your arms above your head.
3. Exhale, bring arms and legs up simultaneously and catch the big toes with thumb, index and middle finger. Legs should be straight , knees should not be bend. Hips should be on the floor.
3. Inhale and spread (open up) your legs sideways holding your toes.

Coming out of Asana:

Exhale, bring back your legs and arms to the previous position. Inhale and bring your legs down to the floor and your arms above your head. Exhale and bring your arms down and back to Samastithi. 


     -  Forward Bend
     -  Back Arch
     -  Symmetrical
     -  Lying / Supine
     -  Repeat / Stay


      -  Abdomen
      -  Lower Back
      -  Calf muscles
      -  Hamstrings
      -  Thighs
      -  Groin


     -  if you can't hold your toes, you can hold your ankles, calf muscles or thighs.


      - Hamstring opening
      - Groin opening
      - Pelvic opening

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