Thursday, February 16, 2017

Siddhasana ( Accomplished Posture )



1. Sit straight with legs stretched out. Back erect, chin down, eyes closed. Hands by your side and palms on the floor.
2. Exhale bend your right leg and bring your right feet closer to your perinium. Place the other leg (left) on top of the right foot. Palms on your thighs.

Coming out of Asana:

Inhale cone back to the seated samastithi. Repeat the same on the other side.


     -  Parsva (torso turned to one side)
     -  Asymmetrical
     -  Seated
     -  Samastithi
     -  Static


     -  Makes spinal column straight and steady.
     -  Stabilizes the nervous system.
     -  Healthy circulation system.
     -  Reduce pressure in legs and circulation is more in torso and head.
     -  Stimulates Swadhishtana and Mooladhara chakra.

Padmasana ( Lotus Posture )



1. Sit straight with legs stretched out. Back erect, chin down, eyes closed, hands by your side.
2. Exhaling, bend your right knee and place it on your as of your left thigh. Now bend your left leg and place it on your right thigh. palms on your thighs.

Coming out of Asana:

Inhale and come back to your seated samastithi. Repeat on the other side.


     -  Parsva( torso turned to one side )
     -  Asymmetrical
     -  Seated
     -  Samastithi
     -  Static


     -  Opens up the hips.
     -  Stretches the ankles and knees.
     -  Calms the brain.
     -  Keeps the spine straight.
     -  Keeps joints and ligaments flexible.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Brahmasana ( Supreme Lord or Half Lotus Posture )



1. Sit straight with legs stretched out. Hands by your side and palms on the floor.
2. Exhale bend your right knee and place the right ankle on the left thigh.Left foot under the right thigh. Place palms on your thighs.

Coming Out of Asana:

Inhale and come back to seated Samastithi. Repeat on the other side.


     -  Back Arch
     -  Parsva ( torso turned to one side )
     -  Asymmetrical
     -  Seated
     -  Samastithi
     -  Static

     -  Strengthens the back.
     -  Stretches the ankles, knees and thighs.
     -  Calms the mind.
     -  Reduce the stress / anxiety.
     -  Improves circulation and blood flow in the pelvis.                                                                           

Sukhasana ( Comfort Posture )



1. Sit straight with legs stretched out, Back erect, Chin down, eyes closed, knees straight, hands by your side, Palms on the floor. This is sitting Samastithi.
2. Exhalling bend your knees and cross legs. Palms on your thighs. Back straight, eyes closed,                                                                                     Chin down.
 Coming out of Asana:

Inhale and come back to the sitting Samastithi. Repeat on the side.


     -  Back Arch
     -  Symmetrical
     -  Seated
     -  Samastithi
     -  Static


                                                                                        -  Broadens your chest.
        -  It calms your mind.
        -  Improves body posture.
        -  Opens your hips.
        -  Its stretches and lengthens the Spine.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Vajrasana ( Diamond Posture )


 Kneel down an sit on your heels.
      -  Feet together
      -  Heels, Knees together
      -  Back Straight and palms on your knees
      -  Toes are turned out
      -  Eyes closed
      -  Chin down
      -  Kneeling
      -  Symmetrical
      -  Samastithi


       -  Helps in Digestion ( asana that can be done after eating )
       -  Helps reducing Constipation
       -  Helps to fight stomach disorder
       -  Increase blood circulation in the body
       -  Calms your mind  
       -  Reduce Obesity and back pain
       -  Body flexibility
       -  fights arthritis
       -  joint ache healer                                               

Samastithi ( Equal Standing )


Stand straight. Balance your body
 weight on both feet equally.

     -  Starting position for all Asanas.
     -  Back erect.
     -  Feet together
     -  Eyes open
     -  Arms by the side
     -  Shoulders relax
     -  Chin slighlty down


     -  Samastithi ( Balancing )
     -  Symmetrical
     -  Standing
     -  Stay

Side View
Front view

Monday, February 6, 2017

Ardha Uttanasana ( Half Forward Bend )

Ardha Uttanasana:


1. Stand in Samastithi.
2. Inhale and lift your arms from the front.
3. Exhale bend halfway down, face down
  4. Inhale and arch your back further.

Coming out of Asana:

Exhale and straigten your back. Inhale and come back to the standing position with arms leading the movement. Exhale and drop your arms and return to Samastithi.


     -  Back arch
     -  Symmetrical
     -  Standing
     -  Dynamic / Static


      -  Calf muscles
      -  Hamstrings
      -  Torso
      -  Spine


      -  Hands can be kept on your knees
      -  With wall support
      -  Hands can be kept on the floor


      -  Stretches and lengthens Hamstrings.
      -  Strengthen your Knees and Thighs
      -  Strengthen back muscles and Spine                                                                    

Ardha Utkattasana (Half Squat) Chair Pose

Ardha Utkattasana:


1. Stand in Samastithi.
2. Inhale and lift your arms from the front and palms together.
3. As you exhale go down half-way (half squat).
4. Inhale and go down further and arch your back.

Coming out of Asana:

Exhale relax your back. Inhale and come back to the standing postion. Exhale and drop your palms and return to Samastithi.


      -  Back Arch
      -  Symmetrical
      -  Standing
      -  Dynamic / Static


      -  Ankles
      -  Calves
      -  Thighs
      -  Spine
      -  Abdomen


       -  Squat how much you can
       -  Hands can be stretched out
       -  Can do with wall support
       -  Knees apart


       -  Strengthen Ankles, Calf muscles, Thighs and Spine.
       -  Works on abdomen.