Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Brahmasana ( Supreme Lord or Half Lotus Posture )



1. Sit straight with legs stretched out. Hands by your side and palms on the floor.
2. Exhale bend your right knee and place the right ankle on the left thigh.Left foot under the right thigh. Place palms on your thighs.

Coming Out of Asana:

Inhale and come back to seated Samastithi. Repeat on the other side.


     -  Back Arch
     -  Parsva ( torso turned to one side )
     -  Asymmetrical
     -  Seated
     -  Samastithi
     -  Static

     -  Strengthens the back.
     -  Stretches the ankles, knees and thighs.
     -  Calms the mind.
     -  Reduce the stress / anxiety.
     -  Improves circulation and blood flow in the pelvis.                                                                           

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