Thursday, February 16, 2017

Padmasana ( Lotus Posture )



1. Sit straight with legs stretched out. Back erect, chin down, eyes closed, hands by your side.
2. Exhaling, bend your right knee and place it on your as of your left thigh. Now bend your left leg and place it on your right thigh. palms on your thighs.

Coming out of Asana:

Inhale and come back to your seated samastithi. Repeat on the other side.


     -  Parsva( torso turned to one side )
     -  Asymmetrical
     -  Seated
     -  Samastithi
     -  Static


     -  Opens up the hips.
     -  Stretches the ankles and knees.
     -  Calms the brain.
     -  Keeps the spine straight.
     -  Keeps joints and ligaments flexible.

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